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Toilet Leaks

Toilet Leaks
One in five toilets have a leak!
The EPA estimates that toilet flushes account for nearly 30 percent of your average water consumption per day. And that’s when it’s working correctly.
How Much Water Do Running Toilets Use?
Running toilets can have different speeds at which they cost you money. A slow leak can waste 30 gallons per day while keeping you oblivious to the problem.
A medium leak, on the other hand, is more noticeable and will go through roughly 250 gallons or more per day.
The worst case is a large leak, where your toilet operates a constant flow of water, spending up to 4,000 gallons per day.
A commercial urinal uses 1 gallon of water per flush on average, but older urinals may use up to five times that amount. 
A leaking toilet can lead to thousands of lost gallons every month, making identification vital for you pocket books!